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Wednesday 22 December 2021


Do you think that you are perfect to all people?

Sometimes even though you thought that you are already be a kind person that you think people would feel, there is must be something that could hurt people. 

Sometimes, I could be thinking that I have made a wrong decision to be with someone that you not really know their personality. Yes, I would feel comfortable but the limit still there. 

The hardest is when, you can do whatever you want to do towards yourself or other people but the other people can't do as what you have done.  

Why you need to criticise whatever people are doing? Meanwhile you can do whatever fucking you wanna do.


I don't really understand for those people who likes to reject other people ideas but ended up using the rejected idea to obtain the approval.

It was not once but more and different people. 

It is disgusting!

Monday 13 September 2021

#2 What I Want

September 12, 2021 11:14 am

I am at the office right now. As usual, we do have weekend but the abnormal weekend where we need to work. I need a full weekend where I do not need to think about work. It started when the things that we doing right now became the thing that we don't like anymore. Not a passion anymore. Boring. Yeah, it's boring. 

I hate writing because it makes me to think the things that I shouldn't. However, I do writing whenever I feel to tell everything what I feel at that time but I hate the feeling.

Sometimes I realized I am a person who not easy to not to think of something. Overthinking. I struggle to not do so. I tried to make myself busy with something else but sometimes it's failed.

Back to the purpose of this entry.

I want a partner who wants to make an empire together. Who can support me. Who can be there anytime I need him. Who can always lend his ears to listen all my stories. 

A partner who I can be myself. Why should I being fake for someone that I wanted to spend my life with? Will I be happy by being fake? No. Absolutely no. 

Being fake is just to make people happy not me. 

The hardest in life is to find someone who can be real.

Saturday 10 July 2021


In a relationship, we sometime easily fall into a strange feeling where we hardly to not to think about that person. Hardly to not to get in touch with that person.

The person that make we smile all day

The person that fill in the blank of our time where that space used to be blank or lonely

The person that making you wanna be better person day by day

Until the feeling is not the same from the other person

You will feel miserable

You will feel demotivated

You will feel the lone that you already left 

Why do we need to facing this kind of feeling?

It is normal, but it is abnormal when we easily fell because easy come easy go

Bear in mind

This is bullshit. Yes

What you have to do is try slowly ignore the person that dump you

Friday 9 July 2021


It has been a while not posting any on my page.

Today is 09072021

The new case of virus infected is 9k.

What do we expect for now? I am grateful for what I had and currently have. I still have a job. I still working. Some people out there losing their job, jobless. Some are single and some are married with children to feed. 

The situation is worsening. The case not even decrease even though people working from home (some). The jobless need to survive. People struggle to find money and food to pay the needs. White flag is raised. 

Seeing and read the struggle, the hard, the tough days of people to survive is pitiful, making me cry. I afford to have food while some people not even had their first drink in the day.


I don't really understand when the intelligent people denied the source of the number of cases, still ignore, still let the source of the number of cases causing more and more. Why?

Please do something.

Even people who working from home need to go outside. Staying home also not good. The stress of working almost exploded.

People need to go outside to get some fresh air. Need their life back. 

Yaa, it is not all the fault pointed to that party but as the responsible party they need to do something to contain and make better.

Saturday 5 June 2021


05/06/2021, 02:55:43 AM

Writing in the middle of the night. Crying and crying. I don't know what is happening to myself. I didn't get hurt. I am supposed okay right now. I tried to be okay. I am trying to not making people annoyed with me. 

I need someone. I cant stay alone. I cant stay quiet. I cant stop to texting people. But I know its going to make people annoyed with me. Not all people like to being disturbed.

Whenever I am thinking to not making people annoyed and I have to stand by myself, I cried. I dont know why. 

I am sorry to being so childish and dependent. 

Am I getting worse?

Tuesday 25 May 2021


My mental health at the moment is not really in a good state. 

Easily to cry and lots of crying scene in a week
Easily to feel down
Easily to feel alone
Easily to give up
Tend to do nothing even though I have lots of work
I am not the past few months person
Lazy and very lazy

I even feel sad with myself

I feel like my laugh is a fake. I will suddenly stop laughing when I say its fake because I try to laugh to something that not really a joke. I don't know why I cut my laugh.

Wednesday 19 May 2021


When u chose someone it doesn’t mean that u found the right one. 

Life is gambling. 

We never know what would comes and happens in future. 

We will never be able to expect on someone. 

Regardless up or downgrading the life doesn’t mean u are better than someone else’s. 

It is good if u are better and rizq for ur partner.

But whenever and wherever ur, never ever downgrading people.


Sometimes it comes when the time is not right. 

Sometimes it does not meant for u. 

It’s hard and hurting. 

Everybody knows. 

If it belongs to u it will stay. 

Being friends wasn’t a good choice. 

Yes, eventually it would be depending on the circumstances. 

If it’s not, we have to let it go.




Decision is the only thing that we need to do for every second in our life. We have to decide what we want to do next. Do we need to this or that? Is it necessary? Even, we have to decide what we want to eat? Where we want to eat? When we going to sleep? 

Decision is the hardest thing to be made. 

Sometimes, decision that we made is only valid to the particular time. We can't expect what will come from anything.

We can only expect things from ourself.


Decision to continue alive

Decision to eat

Decision to shower

Decision to do work

Decision to sleep

Decision to get in love

Decision to leave

Decision to let go

Everything. And I choose to let it go.

Sunday 11 April 2021

Meaningful Talk

Stress level is high

Some people saying that we should not be worried what will happen next, the only thing that we need to do is just do our work. We have done so much. We have sacrifice so much. 

The first thing is I appreciate all things that my team has done.

I can't afford them to give more because they already gave all.

Am I the failure? Yes, I am. I was not firm enough to defend my team. I was not good enough in planning.

I have the plan, but it was ruined by unnecessary opinion and wants.

Sorry to the people that I look for sharing my problem.

Talking is the only thing I can do to release my stress, thanks also for cheer me up.

This is not the first time. I think already many times. Sorry.

Actually there are many times before I wanted to talk but I refused to do so since there is boundary that I should not across. However, some people know me well and actually know that I am looking for someone to talk. 

I remember, I had night-talk because I have no idea for my essay which ended up my essay won first place.

I remember, I had night-talk because I have problem with my study. I hate biology and I have exam the next day and I couldn't sleep which finally I got A-.

I remember, I had night-talk because of my problems.

I remember, I had long-journey-talk to talk about everything.

Thank you for being there, really appreciate it.

Saturday 27 March 2021


 I was promoted from D to B.

Yes D to B. It is not a grade but theoretically yes. After 3 years being the walking dead employee in the company. Some people saying that I just a redundant to the company, some people say what am I doing or what task assign to in the office. Talking about me huh? Only 1 finger goes to me but 4 fingers appointed to you. 

I promoted from Data Analyst to Business Analyst. My DA was not functioning as supposed but I did another task. 

Since August 2021, I was appointed as the project coordinator to a project, which is third project. I promised to myself to do better than previous projects. Out of sudden I was expected to be the subject matter expert (SME) for the project meanwhile I know nothing, not nothing but only 10%, only the introduction. I was managed a POC for this system but the development not completed as supposed since it is only POC maybe. From the POC, I already met the technical team. To be honest, I was not really confident managing the POC but now I am. 

Back to the story, the first week of the project is the introduction session which I already afraid of the project's journey haha. The second week we started the requirement collecting session, and was failed on the first day haha. Boss had to join us on the second day and forth. After the requirement session, I still need boss to come along for any meeting but there are some meetings that he is not coming and still cant handle the meeting, however the project manager able to lead the meeting. Those meeting was specifically regarding accounting and integration where I am zero at. Fuhh. 

There was 1 meeting that I was capable to lead with some help from boss which is registration part. When it comes to accounting part, I failed. Right after the meeting, boss asked me why I was not confident as the registration session? Boss, I failed accounting. 

To cut it short, I vigorously make effort to understand all the modules and items in the system until I am capable to re-do the SRS documents. I started to handle the meeting by myself after the mid of Nov 2021, I conduct the walkthrough of the test case for UAT preparation. Proud of me. Big clap!

Then, it started to less and not sleep, no weekend, no holiday, no off day to be exact. I grateful to have a team, a small team which giving full commitment to the project. Very grateful. 

But I feel wasting time because we spent months for something that not making us going anywhere we still at the UAT stage for months. Sometimes I thinking, what we were doing? We not achieving something in complete because we were interrupted with unnecessary testing session which also causing not well-managed project. I hope I could manage the project better on the next part and phase, better negotiation. 

I was cried many times lately due to stress with lots of work and timeline to chase. 

And there is 1 time I was with a user discuss on the requirements and process flow, I receive bunch of email on testing, I was stressed and cried. I text my boss saying that I cant afford to have all those testing straight in 3 days. And command for EOT come out hahahaha. Note for boss, I only will say something when I have to, when I am saying something, meaning that I had enough. 

All effort paid off with unlocking an achievement being promoted to another level. Alhamdulillah. 

There are lots of story to tell along the journey of this project. 


Friday 26 March 2021

Knowledge Never Ending

Have been busy with working life, it is very tiring but I enjoy it while it can.

I have been improving my performance from last year. I try my best to execute my task to contribute my effort to the company that I have been 4 years employed. To be honest my contribution to RENTAP project was disappointed where I was not play my role, I did not execute my task as it supposed. 

But I realised I am capable to do more than I have done.

Until the time comes, I try and try until I never expect to be like now. I achieved the really busy and hectic life. I am satisfied. 

Slowly I am learning the system, how people develop a system, what is required to develop a system, how the arrangements, how it managed and whatnots.

Work is never ending until you dead. Even though you are not employed and you being a housewife, you still work and learn how to be a successful housewife, manage the house chores, manage the family, manage the finance and etc. 

I proud of myself. Really. I am capable to do a lot of things, yea I admit that the task not really executed as  expected, half cooked haha. Lots to improve. Seeking for help and advise from the senior. 

Currently learning the postpaid system, not whole which including the each of party involved such as network thingy I think. Specifically the system. It is interesting even though bulk, a lot and very challenging mentally and physically. Tired physical and mental. Sometimes burned out but need to motivate myself, work is not about yourself, it is about the team.


I am waiting and looking for another challenges and knowledge that I could learn. 


I rented a room since I started work at Shah Alam. More than 4 years already. The people in this house move in and out. Most of the tenant moved out because of they are getting married and finished their intership. 

I had 4 friends literally that I really can be friends. 

The first one was my colleague. Even though we rarely met due to the different working hour. She works under the support or operation department meanwhile I development department. The support team working hours is 24 hours and shift. We only met when we have a staff meeting each of 3 months or I come to Celcom for a meeting. When we are at home, sometimes we talk.

Second is my roommate. She is really nice person. Talkative. I shared lots of stories with her. But during she is my roommate, I rarely stay at Shah Alam almost a year. Until she getting married and I felt losing someone in my life. I lost a roommate. 

After that I received some new roommate but I don't really like them because of their behaviour. 

1. She touched my things and make a mess

2. She always lie down on my bed after got back from work. Dude, thats my bed.

3. She used/took my things without my permission. She broke my air freshener without telling sorry until I found out.

4. I don't really talk to this person, she love to lived in her world

Then, the third friend is also my roommate. Like sisters. We used to have dinner together, sometimes whenever I am free. We talked our things. We helped each other. Oh she is here because of internship. Until she finished her internship and I again feeling alone. 

That is why I don't really like to be really attached with someone, people come and go. We never know.

Wednesday 17 February 2021


 I wonder sometimes, is it necessary to help people at the kitchen when you are meeting or visit your boyfriend's parents for the first time?

Does it?

I personally don't really like to having the guest to come to the kitchen to help us to prepare for drinks or food. Then, why should I. In fact that is your house and I am the guest for the first time, I need to wash the dishes? I need to prepare the drinks? I need to prepare the food? Hello! Then you la come to my house and I will prepare for all.

For me, the guest is the guest, except I came for the tens times and I already know all the people in the house, familiar with all the people. Just imagine, your brother bring his girlfriend for the first time and you want her to sapu sampah, or kemas rumah, suddenly wash the dishes where you are just finished your lunch with all the family. Tiber!

And is it wrong for me to not do those things?

I will do when I want to do it. Don't ask me that I need to do this and that. I know when the right time I need to action. I am not that rude when I finished eating and not wash the dishes myself. 

But whatever people to think, you want to say that I was rude? Go ahead.

What Men Think

September 26, 9:15 am Me and some girl friends had some talk with a man who just considering he broke up with his girlfriend. We thought he ...