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Wednesday 31 May 2017

Update : What I Learn

hi guys

how fasting? it is good right? haha

kay, today I would like to talk about what the new thing I learned in everyday/week/month/year hahaha

and I will update this entry every time I learned the new thing.

For now, Im not write the details but just list down the new thing.

the new thing is:

  1. How to analyze data.
  2. Software or programming language.
here is the link (1):
  1. Association Rules
here is the link (2):
  1. RStudio
  2. Linux
  3. Perl
  4. MySQL
  5. Python

selamat berpuasa and may u guys have a nice day today and everyday yaa


  1. Akak says ade personal problem la dgn keje berkumpulan says rasa very awkward. saya rasa x comfortable bila nak bentang presentation saya gelabah sampaikan Sara pon x kluar ni sbb saya ade masalah social anxiety yg saya x leh control BTW saya ni lelaki akak are nasihat tak??

    1. omaigadddd, im not the person u should ask for advice. but, its okay, apa yang akak tahu social anxiety macam tak suka berhadapan/bergaul dengan orang eh? dan akak google, dia cakap rasa takut dengan penilaian orang terhadap kita? macam tu ke?

      kamu ni tengah belajar atau kerja?

      secara basic la kan, kamu jangan pikirkan sangat ape yang orang lain fikir pasal kamu and whatever u are doing. lantakkan je. hidup kena chill bro. yakin diri. pastu, kamu kena banyakkan bergaul dengan orang, bercakap walaupun sikit (permulaan) lama-lama akan okay. just get rid the uncomfortable feeling first. cuba slowly, kalau masih belajar, masa ni kena improve social life. nanti kerja susah tau. akak cakap ni, tolong jangan fikirkan ianya macam satu tekanan. kalau tertekan bahaya. cuba senyum sikedddd hahaha


What Men Think

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