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Saturday 11 February 2012

K Pop

Assalamualaikum n salam 1 Malaysia

now i'm wasting my time..ohh what the hell of moment.hak.hak.. i would like to talking about K POP..korean pop..its become famous nowadays. yeah...well..almost the teenager always looking, searching, watching movie, listening song, or everything about  korea.
attention please..i'm exception


starting...2010...when i was being as certificate of malaysia education (SPM) candidate.

my best friend, Ecah..she is one of the fans of korea. i kasihan at her, because she did not have partner(her member) to share her interest of korean but she will share with her ustaz also fans of korean i think...

continue May of 2011 at college matriculation of pahang (ahh...bedal je laaa mang hancur english pun) god..i was placed in a room with the percent reaching to 90% fanatic fans of
ok...i accept the reality...

one of my roomate like a suppliers of korea movie with full of 2 harddisk equal to 1 TB...huh...i'm only have 2 pendrive equal 8 GB of pity on me..

the another one of my roomate, she is same,,but she is not a supplier..

and the last of my roomate, she just as fans biase jer...
hehe...sebelum ni die cakap yang die tu seorang yang mudah pengaruhi orang. so die nak pengaruh aq la untuk jadi one of korean fans..haha..from May 2011 until Jan 2012 i not influence to korean yet...ohh..pity larr on you..

memang banyak giler budak kat kolej ni yang minat korea...ohh please...yang tak tahannye, bile nampak je yang namanya korean...aaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! minat...die berlakon dalam citer ni...die..die...bla..bla..!@#$%^&*()...i'm heartless(tak berperasaan..ukan kejam)...lagi2 yang bising sampai ganggu aq nak study...hormatlah sikit...jangan nak MENGGEDIKSSS...pleaselaaa.....ehh...tolonglaaa

i think this is fenomena sepertimana dulu orang minat pada hindustan, indonesia, mexico, filipina, n bla..bla...but MALAYSIA???dont know lar yang ANAK MALAYSIA sejati...kottt

tak kisah la manusia2 nak minat artis dari negara mana sekalipun, tapi jangan la sampai lupakan negara least tahu lah juga pasal hasil karya negara sendiri...janganlah ambil tahu pasal hasil karya negara luar je...

tapi setiap orang ada pendapat tersendiri terhadap karya seni yang mereka nak layan...may be ade yang mereka tak suka, tak minat, tak gemar or anything. ye lar...nothing is perfect. everything has their more and less (lebih dan kurang)..sometimes i admit that production of the karya negara luar is better..

k larrr....tak tau nak nonsense pasal pe lagi...
bubye...salam tak sayang...

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