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Monday 2 December 2019

Cikgu Nuar Kawen Weh!

Hai ... !!!

So here we again, i write and u read.

We went to Segamat, Johor for my roller coaster teacher's wedding. Just so u know that this is the first time me at JOHOR. Yes! Finally Johor.

Seriously, Im so excited, Im so happy for him.

He finally not bachelor anymore.

Madkan drive, and accompanied by my sister to Johor.

We were arrived at the event on 11.30 am, I think. Then we get some foods to eat. Thank god, there is Nasi Minyak, all i want is the kismis 😅. Me sooo like it. 

Sir, u made me gain some of lots of weight while waiting for u.

Wait! So there is no homestay la kan after this??? Hahaha

Picture the teachers. Cikgu Sham and Cikgu Fadzli. The others tak sempat. Huhu

Also, it has been so long Im not meet Cikgu Sham and his real name is Fadrusham, still remember bhai. He tried to contact me but unreachable. Sorry cikgu. He was my BM teacher. He is my bapak bapak kind of teacher. 

Cikgu fadzli selalu dah jumpa. I met him at SESTA, Sekolah Sains Tapah, where my brother same school with his daughter. Sometimes say hello and sometimes not. Haha. And I met him during the run event thingy.

Missing all of the moments in primary school.

Meanwhile the groom. Fakhrul Anwar. He is the one of the teacher that I really want to meet and so hard. Finally I did.

Whatever it is, be the best husband u can be, be the best son u can be, be the best teacher u can be. 

Yeah, good luck in your marriage!

Friday 8 November 2019

Tawakal November 2019

Moga Allah berkati rezeki yang dikurniakan kepada aku.
Moga Allah permudahkan urusan hidup aku.
Moga Allah limpahkan rezeki kepada aku.

Sekarang ini aku hanya mampu tawakal dan berserah kepada Allah untuk teruskan hidup dalam bulan November.

Duit gaji aku dah habis.


Harini adalah 8 November dan aku hanya mempunyai RM120 sahaja dan ada 16 hari lagi nak gaji.

Friday 19 April 2019


Lagi 2 minggu nak puasa dah. 6 Mei 2019.
Mula la teringat masa budak-budak dulu. 

Eeeee, tak sabarnya nak puasa!

Bila member tanya kenapa tak sabar puasa?

Tak sabar nak puasa sebab mak tak akan cepat marah. Kalau buat silap, mak tak marah. Hehehe

Tapi sekarang dah berubah. Bukan berubah sebab dah besar. Tapi keadaan yang berubah bila ma dah kawin lain.
Aku tak salahkan ma, itu hak dia. Dia berhak mencari kebahagiaan dia dan peneman hidup dia.

Ni kali kedua puasa yang rasa kosong. Orang lain ada rasa berbuka dengan keluarga. Aku?

Ya, memang boleh nak berbuka dengan ma, tapi tak sama sebab aku kena datang sebagai tetamu bukan ahli rumah itu.

Bila dipikirkan, boleh mendatangkan kemurungan. Huhu

Friday 8 February 2019


We have been in this project more than 6 months. We have developed the system since August. We follow the purposed design from August to October. But then when we at Bintulu, the design changed to something new and we have no idea what actually they want.

They have been focused on cosmetic part until the dateline is coming the push us for the functionality part.

We work day and night. We will go home early as 7pm or 9pm. No weekend. What else?

We exhausted!

We need free holiday as we don't need to open our notebook and phone to answer this project's questions while we are on holiday or weekend.

I went for family day but I spent my time with notebook phone in the room and answer questionszz do this do that til midnight just to clean the shits mess that those people had done. This is so fucking damn!

What Men Think

September 26, 9:15 am Me and some girl friends had some talk with a man who just considering he broke up with his girlfriend. We thought he ...