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Friday 28 September 2018


After a long time no see... here I am

I have been busy for these 2 months back. I was asked to be a coordinator for one project since there is no one would do side thingy for boss and the two girls.

At first, I was feeling like I am not good enough to be a project coordinator. But I have no bulk work to be done at office though, so why not.

Being in this project which we are collaborating with another company and being as the vendor of a big company to provide something to the bigger company. I have met with various levels of position and realised how small I am and my company even my boss.

Technologies has been developed widely in order to provide something that we would never know it would exist. Develop a system for tracking, security and safety. The technology of the devices that would come out from such a small device which cost almost a thousand ringgit each. How drastically the changes of the technology, we should and we have to get to know because this kind of thing can make such a huge income to the organisation.

Also, being in various fields of knowledge make ourself more powerful with one thing that not all of people have the opportunity to have it. It is EXPERIENCE. Yes, being a project coordinator for the first time, I know how the technologies run, the hardware work, the importance of communication and most important is to jot down every single thing that came out from the mouth to be as the proof and the reminder.

And we have to work for an event. Working at last minute just a few days before the event. We work with the least of knowledge. But, we have done it just 1 day before the event. MOGSEC 2018, this event full of companies which dealing with oil & gas except us maybe. We are not in oil & gas, we are zero in oil & gas, we are nothing.

I was one of exhibitor for our project. Presented the project to sell to other company who will interested in our technology. It was priceless experience, met to many people, speak confidently, dress up smartly and stand toughly. Some companies interested on our project. It is a good for company's income.

Done. No the end sentence.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Statistics Thought #1

In statistics, we doing lots of analysis, lots of calculation and such. But, do we jump into the conclusion with only based on the result of those analysis without really do some of investigations?

It's wrong. I did watch and read on some stories and they say:

"Do not jump into the conclusion without exactly understand what's happening the other side (object) situation"

Yeah, I do and did agree with that. It will come out with how much of time do you spend on study, task, reading and everything. To be emphasized here is all people or human has different situation and ability towards the thing that they are doing.

I can't say that the data will resulting a wrong conclusion since we have the confidence percentage to agree with the result. This thing could be bias on the analysis hahaha. 

To be a data scientist with such a big amount of salary do not just simply 100% put your belief on the result but you need to do investigation.

Friday 8 June 2018

Statistics: Regression


Regression is a relationship measurement between the mean and the variables: independent and dependent.

In statistics, we do have many type of regression. It is depends on the situation that we have because not all regression can handle all of the situations. The regression based on the situation will be discussed later. Here, I listed the type of regression that I have learnt in class:

  • Linear Regression
    • Simple Linear Regression
    • Multiple Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
    • Binary Logistic Regression
    • Ordinal Logistic Regression
    • Multinomial Logistic Regression
  • Poisson Regression
  • Negative Binomial Regression

Everyone Is Wow and Superb

I always thinking that the other person is better than me and I was like, "oh, she is wow!" "he is great!"


I forgot, that I still wow and great and superb. I just not showing my true colour(s) which has left behind and waiting to show.

The question is,


We as human just need to be thankful for what we have and use the advantage(s) that we have or gained to be better and successful person. Do not feel down when meet with someone else who we think that they are very outstanding. Just need to stand up and make a move to be like them that we never thought we would be.

The end.

Tuesday 29 May 2018


Oh hai hai

just a short entry

im on my way to going deeper into statistics. im in love with statistics. if you have questions regarding statistics or want a consultation for statistics, please don't hesitate to comment down below 😉😉😉.

we learn together.

and also i have been thinking to be a statistics consultant.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Kambing Dengan Serigala

Kambing oh kambing. Kau sebelum ni marah bebeno dengan gajah yang meranapkan kebun kau sampai kau nak binasakan semua jenama gajah termasuk gajah duduk. Semua isu kau keluarkan, yang ini tak boleh, yang itu tak boleh.

Tapi, kenapa kau sokong serigala yang nak tolong si gajah tu?

Tuesday 8 May 2018


You were in group of five. But now you are alone and wanna fight alone. Wait. Are you fucking serious? Even if you were in group and still lost, now you are alone. What for?

You know what, fighting alone just make surrounding worse. If we are together, we can make it. Unless you already did that shit. Just bubar je lah.

When you are alone, it is actually like 100:90:20, and you are 20, capital L dude.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Blaming For No Reason

My mom was blamed for no reason actually, right after my mom told my aunty about selling the tanah peninggalan arwah opah dan atuk. However, this kind of thing has been discussed earlier like months ago and already agreed by all of the siblings. My mom act as the orang tengah which manage and tells to all of the siblings which is not in conversation to bring on the selling topic a month ago. She announced the decision in Whatsapp group and then I don't know why my aunty get mad about this. But get mad to my mom only. Why? Can you tell me why? I do really want to know why!

My mom didn't sold the tanah and take all the money, yet she never ever do that disgusting thing.

It comes to worse when my aunty didn't join us for my mom things, engagement and solemnization. She said, the problem she don't want to come is:

My mom didn't come and invite her at her house. My mom actually Whatsapp-ed her and ask here to come to her house but there is no reply from my aunty. She left the bluetick only. Does this kind of thing is my mom fault?

Hey, or you want my mom put her knee down in front of you?

My mom didn't say anything, but my uncle and other aunties keep on sindir/perli. For me, there is nothing to talk and to think for something/someone that never ever want to be with us.

Boss Or Leader?

I'm here to say something that I think this is not right but it's happened before, now and forever.

If there are two group leader and there are so many differences between them. How they treat their team member. One of them act as the BOSS and one of them act as TEAM LEADER.

At the end, the team member of each group return the different things. How they respect their leader. 

You were assigned as the team leader but not as a boss and being bossy.
If you are act like ass, your team member will return asshole.

Friday 30 March 2018


Aku ada benda yang nak disharekan kat blog ni. tapi it almost 2 months weh, tak post post lagi.
Busy  nau gamaknya.

Aku nak post entry mengenai Company's Family Day Trip ke Hong Kong last January.

Takat ni aku hanya mampu tulis pendek pendek je. Masa sangat tak mengizinkan.

Sebenarnya banyak lagi yang nak dikongsikan di sini. Antaranya:

1. Part-time students' life
2. Company's Family Day Trip
3. Suasana kerja
4. Benda peribadi nak ke dikongsikan? Ke takyah? Hurm

Tu je. Tapi semua tu makan masa yang sangat lama.

Tapi paling teruja nak kongsi mengenai trip ke Hong Kong tu sebab pengalaman yang sangat susah untuk aku dapatkan. Benda mahal and sponsored wehh.

Keh, excited nak cerita sekarang.

Like literally NOW!

Wednesday 28 March 2018


Assalamulaikum n salam 1 Malaysia..

This entry is to talk about matriculation's subjects. 

Mata pelajaran WAJIB diambil oleh semua aliran:Bahasa Inggeris | Teknologi Maklumat | Pendidikan Islam & Moral | Dinamika Kemahiran

Salah satu mata pelajaran Ko-Kurikulum:Sukan dan Permainan @ Kelab dan Persatuan @ Unit Beruniform

Mata pelajaran yang WAJIB diambil mengikut aliran:

1. Aliran Fizikal
Fizik | Kimia | Matematik

2. Aliran Biologi
Biologi | Kimia | Matematik

3. Aliran Perakaunan
Matematik | Ekonomi | Perakaunan | Pengurusan Perniagaan

4. Aliran (Teknikal) Awam
Matematik | Fizik dan Kimia Kejuruteraan | Asas Kejuruteraan | Pengajian Kejuruteraan Awam

5. Aliran (Teknikal) Mekanikal
Matematik | Fizik dan Kimia Kejuruteraan | Asas Kejuruteraan | Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekanikal

6. Aliran (Teknikal) Elektrik dan Elektronik
Matematik | Fizik dan Kimia Kejuruteraan | Asas Kejuruteraan | Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik

Goodluck ❤️

Monday 26 March 2018




Keh, aku tak datang kelas last week. Pastu asyik terlupa je nak tanya lecturer ape task yang dia bagi dalam kelas. Aku tak ada nombor telefon budak kelas. Budak kelas pon bukan budak sem 2/part 2. Semua junior.

Im Alone!

Aku teringat nak whatsapp lecturer pon dah petang jumaat. Macam tak sesuai. Lecturer tu pon dah nak rehat dari keje. Tak bagus la kan.

Jadi aku nekad nak tanya task hari isnin.

Bila aku whatsapp lecturer tu apa tak was given...

Dia cuma suruh baca chapter 1 saaaaaaammmmmpai 4 kat textbook.

Jadinya kena baca 4 chapter. Ya 4 keh! Bunyi dia macam sikit je lecturer tu suruh tapi yang sebenarnya tak langsung.

Malam ni aku google nasib ada pdf version, then download lah apa lagi.

Nak nangis pon ada, 4 chapter tu 200 pages gila! Mana nyempat nak baca malam ni jugak weh.

Friday 23 March 2018


bila orang jauh datang buat hal yang tak senonoh, dia kata seangkatan biadap

tapi siapa yang kadang-kadang memanggil orang jauh tu datang sini nak jadikan kawan eh?

jangan nak salahkan orang lain tapi salah sendiri sorok bawah ketiak bini

Thursday 25 January 2018


In order to be good in data science career, we need to learn and to know many kind of field.

Supposedly, this career is the combinations of some fields which include the programming. Even though we use R language sometimes, we also need to know how to create some programming in coding to run the analysis and to get the wonderful information to the audience.

There are some steps:

1- Data Wrangling
2- Testing
3- Visualization

What Men Think

September 26, 9:15 am Me and some girl friends had some talk with a man who just considering he broke up with his girlfriend. We thought he ...