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Thursday 10 August 2017


R adalah satu programming language yang digunakan untuk statistical computing and graphics. Kalau masa belajar dulu, kami statistics student diperkenalkan dengan R, SAS dan Minitab.

Untuk belajar R ni pun bermula dengan C++ programming.

Bila dah masuk kerja pulak, bos asked me to do/study something that I have never done before. Study rmarkdown. Rmarkdown ni just kita nak turn what we do in R into document or preview in browser. Sekarang ni aku guna RStudio. Dia lagi wow dari R yang biasa guna. Tapi kalau nak guna RStudio ni kena download juga R. RStudio ni ada jugak certain package yang tidak boleh kita dapatkan. That is why kena update R kepada yang latest.

Sejak masuk dalam alam kerja ni, aku banyak main dengan pivot table. Pivot table ni one of powerful function dalam excel. Pivot table ni membantu kita dalam extract data into columns and rows in one table and we can make it in graphics as well. It helps us to filter all the needed things or terms for our analysis. There is a lot of function that we can do further, just need to learn more and more.

Guna pivot tabel ni buat kita lagi nampak untuk setiap terms, variables, it can count automatically, helps us to produce the conclusion faster and more.

And back to the main title of this entry, R also allowing pivot table function. With RStudio it is much more nicer.

Okay, if nak tahu more about rmarkdown cklick here.

Monday 7 August 2017


Today is Monday, 7th August 2017

Only Ina and I at the office today. Most of the staff are at Menara Celcom and the bosses and Kak Mar went for a meeting outside.

As usual, I am the first person who come before 9 am since a few weeks ago haha and of course I have to open the doors. Yeah, door with s. 3 doors to open. But today, I was shocked with something that I think I was not noticed that thing present. That is a new thing I think. Yeah, that is new. Doorbell.

This is because we don’t always hear someone is knocking the door, the second door. Because sometimes when the bosses are in the office they will close the third door, they are hot they said. And we just, oh okay. Meanwhile we are getting colder. Grrrrr

Ina and I went to lunch at 12.20 pm I think. And then we went to Speedmart for buying something. After a few steps get into the Speedmart, and BLACKOUT! Spontaneously "Okay, I am not a bad luck" mehh.

We walk in the dark. Not the dark shadow huh! 

I thought only the Speedmart but all the stores or the whole block or the whole block at the road are black out. Omaigad office!!!

When we arrived at the office. Yeah we cannot get in. Because we open the door using the card. huhh!!! Then we lepak a while at Adam Lai Restaurant and so hot. I need kipas I need aircond pleaseee. I wore a thick shirt just like sweater thickness and I was sweating. All the lunch I ate was burned and turn into cair maigad. 

Maybe after 20 minutes, the electric is back!!

We run to the office and touch the card to the touchpoint.
the card was not detected!!!!


I called Kak Mar, what we should do. And she also doesn't know, she asked me to call boss. I refused through my heart. 

Ina kept touching the card. But useless. Again, sweating. Fuhh.

After touching for x times, the door is open.

Thank God.

My body just like lost all the energy I ate for lunch and became lapar. 

What day lah. So experience. If it is happen again, then I know what to do. Don't ever touch the card when black out okay!!

What Men Think

September 26, 9:15 am Me and some girl friends had some talk with a man who just considering he broke up with his girlfriend. We thought he ...